I am probably the only person, as a grad student, who is around and who watches the Today show. I just like having something on in the background. I have noticed many things about the show, which, despite my watching it fairly often, drive me nuts. First of all, why do they always say, "That's what's happening in the rest of the country, now here's what's happening in your neck of the woods." even when they haven't just told us what it happening in the rest of the country? They will say this after discussing some actors love life, or some cake recipe, but often not following the weather or national news...which makes the statement not make much sense. They also say, "This is today on NBC." all the time. Which just annoys me because of course it is....But besides these quirky sign offs, what really gets my goat is that every day they have to have what I can only call, "The freaky accident/nature attacks segment." Watch and you will see that every day they have one of these segments involving an interview with those involved (usually accompanied by stupid props). I have seen several on shark attacks, a truck driving through a living room, and I just saw a teaser for tomorrow morning: a kid who got a deer antler stuck in his head. Now that is what I call important news!! If they did this once in a while fine, but the fact that they do it everyday just puts the nail in the coffin. Mix it up a little, try doing a story on something that matters: environment, poverty, politics...and I am not talking about Mat Lauer interviewing penguins at the North poll.