Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stuff White People Like

I was alerted to this website by a friend. In the interest of full disclosure I would say about 70 of these items apply to me. I'm sure J.V. would want me to ad "cheese" to the list. I think I would also ad San Francisco to the list.


hidakam said...

NOT ONLY WHITE PEOPLE LOVE SAN FRANCISCO!!! Dave, I *know* that was a digg at me. What are you saying, that I am a twinkie? A banana? Well you are WHITEBREAD, WONDERBREAD, and a SNOWFLAKE all in one. I don't actually know if that last one is a derogatory term for white person. i guess I could have used "cracker," you "Wire" lover, you.

This post makes me sound very angry. I am not an angry person. But I do love San Francisco. I hope to either be mayor or live there in a Victorian one day.

David said...

I wasn't even talking about you...(ok maybe I was)...does somebody have a complex from growing up between two cultural identities? Never heard the banana one before. And now you have the distinction of being the first person to call me a cracker on my blog, congrats.