Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baltimore is a murdery small town

Watching the local "news" last night. There was a story about a photographer from my neighborhood who won a contest from national geographic. The next story was about a stabbing in the neighborhood next to mine and they interviewed (without any comment) the photographer from the previous story as a neighbor to the crime. I guess there are two possibilities: they sent out two different crews and it was just a coincidence, or the same crew did both stories and was just incredibly lazy. Either way this gives you some idea why "news" is in quotation marks. Baltimore is a creepy small town. While on the topic, I would like to publicly propose that Baltimore downgrade its status to town. I am sure there are complicated population, size requirements that make it officially a city, but like a university changing from being a college to a university, I think Baltimore would do better as a town. A town can't lead the nation in syphilis, drugs, or murder, can it? Plus who would be afraid of visiting some little old town? When I run for mayor this is going to be part of my platform.

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