Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wedding Season...the sequel

Last weekend wife and I attended another great wedding. This was my close friend's wedding and both he and his wife are Greek. I haven't downloaded the pictures yet, but they will be posted soon. It was particularly cool because I had never been to a Greek wedding before. There was lots of dancing, lots of food, and lots of Greek music. All in all a successful event. I attempted some Greek dancing, without success. I also attempted to take advantage of the open bar, very successfully. I had to leave the ceremony briefly to sit and get a drink of water so I didn't pass out from all the standing. While the bride and groom danced they were showered with dollar bills from the other guests. The reception was at a beautiful golf course in Quincy overlooking Boston. It was the perfect setting. In review, I give the wedding two thumbs up (four if you include wife's thumbs). I love Boston every time we go until I get in a car and try to get somewhere. Then I only like it. I am ready to take a few months off from the wedding tour and gear up for the Fall wedding season.

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